MLTB Management

Nawaid Isa

Partner, Major League Tapeball State Director, Southern Texas Board of Directors, U.S. Tapeball

Nawaid Isa is the owner of Houston’s first and only floodlit cricket stadium called the ICCMC (Isa Cricket Club and Multi Sports Complex). Both of the grounds are equipped with professional stadium lights. The ICCMC is a cricket-centered community facility that has a basketball court, a 10,000 sq ft AstroTurf area, and batting cages. Soon, it will have multilevel booths for our sponsors and guests, as well as two 12 ft by 24 ft Trivision sight screens and a mobile 12 by 20 ft LED screen.


Nawaid Isa is also the founder of the AmPak business development forum that is working hard on strengthening social and business ties between Pakistan and the USA. Isa is an engineer by profession with a Master’s degree and extensive experience in the US corporate world. He has been invited to speak at SAP conferences in Germany and Chicago.