MLTB Management

Jay Mir

Co-Founder, Major League Tapeball Director New York State, Major League Tapeball Board Of Directors, U.S. Tapeball
Jay Mir is the Co-Founder and State Director of New York for Major League Tapeball. Mir also sits on the board of directors of U.S. Tapeball, the sole governing body of Tapeball in the United States. Born in Lahore, Pakistan, Mir has been an avid fan of Tapeball his entire life. He went to Punjab University in Lahore and graduated with degrees in Business and Political Science. At 21, he moved to the United States and has been an entrepreneur ever since. A true go-getter, Mir has developed businesses in real estate, retail, cricket, and now, Tapeball. Mir launched the revolutionary cricket league called the American Premiere League in spring of 2021, and successfully concluded the historic cricket tournament. Through his leadership, vision, marketing excellence and dedication, Mir made the American Premiere League the best cricket brand in America. Mir wants to bring the same vision and passion to Major League Tapeball, and make Tapeball the next big sport in the country.