MLTB Management

Amir Siddique

Partner, Major League Tapeball State Director, Northern Texas Board of Directors, U.S. Tapeball

Amir Siddique is a coach whose resume demonstrates his ability to combine his coaching principles with communication and leadership to accomplish sports organizational goals.

Siddique’s sports career spans across different sports, from cricket to baseball, handball, and track & field. He served as the Head Coach of the American College Cricket All Star Team, the National Team Coach of USA U17 in the match against Canada, and the Consulting Coach in various cricket academies in the Houston area.

Amir Siddique was the Captain and Coach of the Pakistan Baseball National Team and the Pakistan Handball National Team. He was also named the National Best Athlete in the Top Division in track & field. Siddique graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and gained a National Athletic Coaching Diploma.